Sunday, April 2, 2017

One Week Cosplay: Princess Serenity - Day 1/2 - Golden Bodice Circles

One Week Cosplay: Princess Serenity - Day 1/2 - Golden Bodice Circles

Technically, I started working on my bodice circles yesterday; however, I always forget to make posts and I am feeling in the blogging-grove so I am going to type up my progress and instructions on my lovely circles. 

At the top of Princess Serenity's bodice, she has golden circles.

The look I am going for is similar to the Under the Needle version of Princess Serenity, which is shown below. I love the beaded look over the gold fabric look that I have seen other cosplayers go for.  

To make my circles, I used the following:
small craft pearl beads
gold spray paint
white silky fabric (scraps from a previous project)
fusible interfacing (left over from my Dalek bag)
fabric glue
E600 glue
paint brush

To make my circles, I did the following:

I spray painted my half of my small pearl beads gold. The entire painting thing took like 15 minutes. I left the other half of the beads white to use for the centers.

I made my fabric discs. First, I cut out a circle of interfacing. I used the spray paint can as the template for my circle. Second, I ironed and fused the interfacing to my silky fabric.  Third, I cut out a small hem around the edge of the circle. Fourth, I snipped the hem so that it could be easily folded in. Lastly, I used fabric glue to secure the fabric edges to the back of the circle. 

After I had my discs, I started beading. I used the E600 glue to attach the craft pearls.

I completed three rings of gold pearl and then filled in the insides with white ones. 

On the first day, I spent approximately two hours working on the circles and on the second day (today) I spent another three hours working on the circles. As of now, I have 9 circles completed. I have not made any more because I am waiting to see how many I will need once the dress arrives. I don't want to spend beads and time on circles that I don't need.

That's all for now. I will be going full speed as soon as my dress arrives tomorrow so I will probably end up doing short bursts of posts along the way. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks!


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