Saturday, April 15, 2017

One Week Cosplay: Princess Serenity - Day 3 through 7 - Beading, Wig & Accessories

One Week Cosplay: Princess Serenity - Day 3 through 7 - Beading, Wig & Accessories

I got busy and rushed around so I didn't have a chance to post until now. This wraps up my one week cosplay of Princess Serenity.

Beading Along the Bust

For the bust beading, I decided to go along with the shape of the pre-fabed dress instead of going straight across. I did this because (1) it was more flattering and (2) I struggle to make straight lines and I didn't want to thoroughly destroy it. 

Initially, I tried to hand stitch the beads. I had less than stellar results. 

Look at the wonky line. No fun.

So I switched to the glue method. I took my medium beads, spray painted them gold and then used E600 glue to attach them. E600 glue is the real MVP of this outfit. I don't have a image of the glue line solo, but you can see it in later images.

Gold Circles

With my gold circles, which I did a previous post about, I lined the top edge of the dress. I went straight across instead of going along the sweetheart neckline. 

I pinned them out on my dress to figure out the placement. 

I attach the circles I used E600 glue again. This was the most time consuming part of the dress because I had to use clamps and allow for dry time between each circle. 

Additional Beading

Initially, I was going to try to do scallop beading along the bodice too; however, it turned not so awesome and I liked the simple look so I didn't bother. If you can make it look good, more power to ya.

 Forehead Crescent

For the crescent, I used a paint bottle as the guide for my moon and then used the top to cut out the center part. 

It was a bit too big, so I trimmed it down.

I finished it up by stray painting it gold.

 Pearl Hair Pins

I got a bag of large pearls from JoAnn Fabrics for the hair pins.

To make the pins, I took a bobby pin and wrapped some wire around the end.

Then one at a time, I threaded a pearl bead onto the wire. I made sure to secure the wire to the bobby pin between each bead so it wouldn't slide all around. 

I finished it off by twisting the wire around the bobby pin and trimmed any excess.

Arm Puffs

For the arm puffs, I took a strip of white satin (the shiny part will be inside). The strip was about 44" x 8". The size will be determined by your arm and your desired puff amount.

I sewed an inch channel on each end. 

Then I cut elastic strips (3/4" elastic) that fit around my arms.

I pinned one end of an elastic strip to the end of the cloth tube and feed the rest of the elastic through the channel.

The I pinned the other end of elastic to the end of the channel once I got it threaded through.

Once I threaded both pieces of elastic through, I pinned the edges together and sewed them.

An arm puff!

Repeat the process for second arm puff.

Here are my puffs and my forehead crescent:

 Wig Time!

 Here is the wig fresh out of the bag. I made some quick head buns.

The bangs didn't quite work, so I gave them a trim.

I ended up going through a whole lot of trial and error to make the bangs work.

I ended up soaking them in hot water, pinning them in a puff shape and leaving them to dry.


I still want more volume, but I can keep trying later. 

I am going to make a separate post with pictures from Fandomonium in just a bit with all my final pictures so keep a look out. Thanks! 

For comments or questions, hit me up on Facebook or at


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